Jericho (BNEWS)- The launching ceremony of the new "PalPRO" Project - Promotion of integrated services for enhanced industrial decarbonization and upgraded economic and social performance through the "Palestinian Business Prosperity Center" Palestinian Business Prosperity Center - took place in Jericho at the Palestine Business Prosperity Center of the Jericho Agro-industrial Park (JAIP).
The Project, which aims to support the sustainable development and competitiveness of the industrial ecosystem of the Jericho Agro-industrial Park, is funded by the Representative Office of Japan in Palestine and implemented by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in partnership with the Ministry of National Economy (MoNE) and the Investment Promotion and Real Estates Agency (IPEA).
The ceremony was attended by the highest representatives of the Project’s organizational chart, including the Ministry of National Economy, Khaled Osaily, the Ambassador for the Palestinian Affairs and Representative of Japan to Palestine, Yoichi Nakashima, the Representative of UNIDO, the Senior Programme Officer Ahmed ElFarra, together with representatives of stakeholders, the private sector and the JAIP.
The Palestinian Business Prosperity Center (PalPRO) is a hub for entrepreneurial ventures and businesses located in the Jericho Agro-industrial Park. Through its facilities, which include a manufacturing laboratory, a quality and applied research laboratory, and a business development unit, PalPRO supports the competitiveness of the industrial ecosystem and of the Center’s tenants, most of which are involved in the manufacturing and processing of agricultural and food products to be distributed in the domestic and Jordanian markets.
Through this new PalPRO project, UNIDO aims to enhance the attractiveness of the Palestine Business Prosperity Center by providing integrated, innovative, and prime business development services. By increasing cooperation among the beneficiaries and providing needs-based technical assistance to innovate their production and increase the energy resilience of factories through decarbonized, sustainable energy solutions, UNIDO aims to create the conditions to attract more industry, more investment, and more innovative, clean technologies.
The PalPRO – JAIP Project continues the successful partnership between UNIDO and the Representative Office of Japan in the field of value chain support and cluster development. Since 2019, UNIDO and the Representative Office of Japan have been working together to foster the growth of the garment and textile sector in the Northern Governorate and Gaza Strip. Through these interventions, two Creative Fashion Design Centers were established in Jenin and Gaza, six new fashion collections were designed by engaging young Palestinian fashion designers under the guidance of UNIDO’s international experts, new market linkages were animated, and new energy efficiency and renewable energy interventions were implemented among beneficiaries in the Gaza Strip.
During his speech, the Minister of National Economy, Khaled Osaily, highlighted the role that the PalPRO Project can play in strengthening the competitiveness of the JAIP and the Jericho industrial ecosystem through a cluster development approach.
"Jericho's industry has a special vocation within the Palestinian economy, and its proximity to the Jordanian border makes it a natural gateway to strengthen our export opportunities. For this vision to translate into development for the entire community, we must work tirelessly to strengthen the competitiveness of our industries. The generous support of the Government of Japan and the technical expertise of UNIDO will enable us to make our industries more resilient, both industrially and energetically, and to support their growth and expansion", he stated.
The Ambassador for the Palestinian Affairs and Representative of Japan to Palestine, Yoichi Nakashima, highlighted the commitment of Japan to continue supporting the Jericho Agro-Industrial Park working in partnership with UNIDO to provide new, integrated and tailored-based support tools and services.
“The Government of Japan has supported the development of the Jericho Agro-Industrial Park as a strategic project as part of its Middle East peace initiative “Corridor for Peace and Prosperity”. The “Corridor for Peace and Prosperity”, launched in 2017, represents an upgrade of JAIP initiative by committing to the establishment of a service center, the "Palestinian Business Prosperity Center" (PalPRO). Through its continuous commitment, the Government of Japan wishes to foster the social stabilization and inclusive development of the Palestinian economy together with the growth and enhanced dynamism of the Palestinian industry. Through this new collaboration with UNIDO, we are confident that new integrated and tailored business services will be able to enforce industrial resilience, and that new sustainable energy supply will virtuously complement industrial competitiveness interventions”, he stated.
The Representative of United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the Senior Programme Officer Ahmed ElFarra, explained how UNIDO will work on the ground to promote industrial decarbonization and upgraded economic and social performance of the Palestinian industry.
"UNIDO is please to renew its strategic partnerships with the Ministry of National Economy and with the Representative Office of Japan in Palestine to enhance the value chain of the industry in Jericho. JAIP embodies a forward-looking vision of enforced competitiveness and social inclusion from which the Jericho ecosystem has already benefited greatly. Through our intervention in the Palestinian Business Prosperity Center, UNIDO will apply its proven cluster development methodology to strengthen the integration of supply chain actors, prioritizing the provision of innovative services and sustainable energy as key to improving overall competitiveness of Palestinian industry and contribute to its green transition", he affirmed.